Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Spam was introduced by Hormel in 1937.

The name itself means spiced ham. It was first introduced in 1937 and gained popularity worldwide after its use during World War II.
Remember the tin key used to open Spam cans?
According to its label, Spam's basic ingredients are pork shoulder meat, with ham meat added, salt, water, modified potato starch as a binder, sugar, and sodium nitrite as a preservative. Natural gelatin forms during cooking in its tins on the production line.
By the early 1970s the name "Spam" was often misused to describe any tinned meat product containing pork, such as pork luncheon meat. With expansion in communications technology, it became the subject of urban legends about mystery meat and other appearances in pop culture.
Most notable was a Monty Python sketch portraying Spam as both ubiquitous and inescapable, characteristics which lent to its name being borrowed for unsolicited electronic messages, especially spam email.
Monty Python performs the world famous "Spam" skit.

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